The course schedule is the comprehensive list of all courses currently offered at TRU for fall, winter and summer terms.
Course name: detailed class information that includes seat availability and
waitlisted seats (e.g.
Computer Programming 1)
Vectoring: structure of the course, how many hours per week the course has scheduled
lectures, seminars,
labs. (e.g. 3 hours of lectures, 1 hour of seminars, 1 hour of labs).
CRN: course registration number (e.g. 20432)
Course number and section: the course number (e.g. COMP 1130) and section number (e.g.
– 01)
Associated term: the term the course is offered (e.g. Summer 2025)
Not all courses have required seminars or labs. To determine if your course has a seminar or lab, look
at the
vectoring number or select Course Description.
CRN: seminar or lab course registration number (e.g. 20434)
Seminar or lab number and section: the course number (e.g. COMP 1130) and section
number (e.g. –
S01 or L01)
Schedule type: identifies if it is a lecture, seminar or lab
You will see this screen by selecting the course name from the main course schedule search result page.
This page displays the course capacity:
- Actual: the current number of students registered in the seats
- Maximum: the maximum number of seats in the course
- Seats available: the current number of remaining seats available to register or waitlist
You will see this screen by selecting the course name from the main course schedule search result page.
This page displays:
- The course description
- Any course prerequisites that must be completed before the start of the course (not all courses will
have prerequisites)
- Any course co-requisites that must be completed concurrently with this course (not all courses will
have co-requisites)
- Any required seminars for the course
- Any required labs for the course
- The credit, lecture, seminar, lab and other hours. Lecture, Seminar, Lab and Other hours are reflective
of how
many hours per week the class is in session.