Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

First Year Challenge

Complete the two easy tasks by the end of the winter semester to enter a draw for prizes.

  • $250 tuition waiver — one to be won
  • Swag bags — 5 to be won

Your challenges

Attend orientation. 
- If you cannot attend the orientation due to class schedule conflict, you may complete the orientation on Moodle. 

Attend two of our TRU Gaglardi events and workshops.
- Attend any TRU Gaglardi BBA events highlighted in yellow on the following event calendars.

Your challenge card

Pick up a challenge card from our advising office at ARA 140 in the OLARA building between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Drop off the card when you finish the challenges. The draw takes place at the end of the semester.

Contact TRU Gaglardi Program Advising Office more for details. 


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