TRU Investments

In response to increasing interest in post-secondary financial practices, Thompson Rivers University (TRU) publicly shares details of its investments. This effort aims to address the growing demand for responsible investing and demonstrate our commitment to transparency.
Investment Philosophy and Disclosure
TRU’s investment strategy is guided by the University’s policy on Investment Objectives (BRD-22) and is consistent with TRU’s participation in the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
Our commitments align with the United Nations' Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Launched in 2006, PRI is a framework designed to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into investment decision-making processes.
TRU is committed to providing investment updates annually to provide transparency and allow stakeholders to track our investments over time.
TRU’s Investments under Management
TRU’s investment manager is Raymond James. As of March 31st, 2024, TRU held several accounts within its investment portfolio. The TRU Foundation also has funds under management and uses Aon as its investment manager. In addition, TRU holds and reports on investment in two private Canadian entities (the TRU Property Trust and Northlands Properties Inc).
Maintaining Public Trust
TRU and the TRU Foundation have a fiduciary responsibility to manage its funds to ensure investment returns to support scholarships, bursaries and research activities. The majority of TRU’s holdings are held in pooled funds which hold a basket of equities from numerous companies that will change regularly depending on the strategy for that particular fund manager.
To divest from a single company within a pooled fund means selling the entire fund which can lead to penalties and losses within the portfolio while divesting from corporations that have both a strong ESG ratings and contribute positively to the global economy. It is for this reason that TRU relies on its fund managers to use UN PRI screens and to actively lobby against the egregious practices of corporations.
TRU is also a member of the University Network for Investment Engagement (UNIE) which actively engages in lobbying on environmental, social and governance issues and TRU has the ability to work with UNIE to lobby for specific changes to corporate practices within its investment universe.
TRU Student Investment Fund (TRUSIF)
The Thompson Rivers University Student Investment Fund (TRUSIF), founded in 2019, aims to give TRU students a competitive edge in capital markets and related fields. Today, TRUSIF manages a long-only equity and ETF fund with over $105,000 in assets, focusing on high-quality investments. The fund's purpose is to create student scholarships from its excess returns while providing real-world experience for students pursuing careers in capital markets and wealth management.