About the Vice-President: Matt Milovick
Matt Milovick was appointed the Vice-President, Administration & Finance on July 22, 2013. Along with his extensive post-secondary administration experience, he has two undergraduate degrees, BSc (University of Guelph) and BAS (York University), a MEd (Memorial University of Newfoundland) in post-secondary administration and a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation.
Mr. Milovick has held senior and executive positions with various post-secondary institutions including Vice-President, Finance and Administration at the Ontario College of Art and Design University, Chief Financial Officer (Interim) and Vice-President, Operations and Strategic Development at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). He has also held diverse senior roles at Saint John’s College (University of New Brunswick Saint John) and York University.
While at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, in 2011, Mr. Milovick received the annual CMA Creative Leadership Award for his role in the transformation of Oshawa’s downtown core through the development of a full-service campus for the University. He was also one of 40 selected executives in Canada to participate in KPMG’s Community Shift leadership development program in 2012.

Matt Milovick
Administration & Finance