Visitors to TRU may park by the half hour in visitor parking spaces, or for the day in general or economy parking lots. Pay parking is in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, except for statutory holidays or days that TRU is officially closed.
To pay for daily parking, scan the SMRTpass QR code in the lot you are parking in. Below is an example of the signage you will see for parking:
Visitor parking in the core of campus (in orange lots on the above map) is $1 per 30 minutes for a maximum of two hours. Visitor parking includes accessible parking spaces.
Daily permits are available in general ($5) or economy ($4) parking lots around the perimeter of campus.
Veteran parking - anyone (staff, student or visitor) to the campus with veteran plates can park in either Economy, General or Visitor parking lots at no charge.
Parking throughout the TRU campus is free in the evening after 5 p.m. and on weekends, as well as days when TRU is officially closed, such as statutory holidays.
Overnight parking restrictions - no person shall utilize a motor vehicle on university property as a dwelling space. No person shall occupy a parked vehicle on campus overnight, regardless of whether a valid parking permit is in use. A motor vehicle found in contravention of this shall be subject to a tow at the expense of the owner.
Overnight parking is only allowed in lots M, N, Z and XT, unless otherwise approved by the Parking Office. Lots NT and WH are gated overnight. Lot NT is closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Lot WH is closed from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.
See Parking Terms and Conditions for TRU’s parking policies and regulations.