Other Parking Information
Accessible parking
Accessible parking stalls are designated in various lots on campus as shown on the map. They are usually closest to buildings.
To use an accessible space your vehicle must display either a valid provincial placard, or a short-term placard available from the Parking Office (with approved doctor’s note).
Along with the placard, you must have a valid general lot rate parking permit. Either a general permit through the TRU-dedicated Online Permit Portal or for daily parking using the non-touch SMRTpass QR codes using your smart phone located in the specific lot (economy, general, visitor) where you are parking, or the SMRTpass QR code located at individual accessible stalls in premium and reserved lots, which are discounted to the general lot rate.

Veteran parking
Anyone (staff, student or visitor) to the campus with veteran plates can park in either Economy, General or Visitor parking lots at no charge.
Motorcycle parking
- Motorcycle stalls are first-come first-served and are designated in lot C and W only.
- Daily parking is $2.50/per day and can be purchased through the SMRTpass QR Code posted in the lot.
- Long-term permits at $35/month purchased through the CTRL Online Permit Portal.
- Motorcycle parking permits are only valid in designated motorcycle spaces. If you park your motorcycle in economy, general, premium, or reserved spaces, those rates apply.
Contractors and service vehicles
Service vehicle parking spaces are typically located to have easy access to buildings. Every contractor parking at TRU must apply at the Facilities Office for a service vehicle permit to use those spaces, in addition to purchasing a parking permit. Visit the Facilities Office or contact the Parking Office at 250-828-5368 or by email for more information.
Vehicles parking in a service vehicle space without displaying valid permits will immediately be subject to a parking violation and/or towing without warning at the owner's risk and expense. Service vehicle permits are issued to authorized service agencies and contractors doing business with TRU, and cannot be used for any other purpose.
Electric vehicles
TRU offers EV charging stalls in Lot F on a pay- per-use system. Learn more.
Share the costs of commuting and parking. Sign up for TRU Rideshare to find a carpool buddy or two.
Bicycle parking
Both secure parking and racks are available on campus.
See Parking Terms and Conditions for TRU’s parking policies and regulations.