Faculty of Arts

APA Reference Style

APA (American Psychological Association ) style is an editorial style many social and behavioural scientists, including psychologists, use to present written material in the field. These guidelines help you achieve clear and consistent presentation of information. APA style ensures standardized use of punctuation, tables, references, abbreviations, selection of headings, presentation of statistics, plus many other elements that comprise a manuscript. Although APA style is primarily focused on relatively straightforward topics such as punctuation and abbreviations, it also addresses more complex issues of style and function.

APA style is the most appropriate style to use when writing about psychological information. The reference book called The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association describes, in detail, the guidelines to follow for APA Style. This manual can be found in the Psychology Lab Technician's office (AE 171), the reference section of the TRU Library, or can be purchased at the campus bookstore.

For more information on APA style, please visit: