Car Light Community
Improving the bike share program
The Sustainability Office is administering the TRU Bicycle Commuting Incentive Program Survey, and the results of this will help inform TRU‘s goal to create the best bicycle commuting incentive program of any Canadian university.

Bikes are a common sight at TRU
This means expanding on bicycling infrastructure on campus: under-stair bike cages, more bike racks, and enclosing the main bike shelter so you need a combination to get in.
We are working on more bicycling programming, such as free safety and maintenance events, and commuting challenges like Go By Bike Week, Academic Bicycle Challenge, and the BC Commuter Challenge.
We are working with city officials to advocate for improved biking infrastructure.
We are promoting the TRU Seasonal Commuter Parking Pass (valid from Nov. 15 to March 15) to encourage non-car commuting (such as biking and walking) during the warmer months; and you can save between $200-$250 per year.
Plus, we are piloting a free transit program for one semester for staff and faculty members.
Three things you can do
Challenge yourself to leave your single occupancy vehicle at home at least one day a week (maybe two or more).
Join a commuter challenge. Just do it!
Use commuting time as fitness time, and track your exercise from commuting. Get to work and get in shape at the same time.