Table Booking

- Review the table booking guidelines to ensure your booking falls within the guidelines.
- Submit an online table booking request form.
- Wait for a confirmation email on your booking.
Table bookings may be requested in Old Main (2), Campus Activity Centre (1) and the International Building (1).
Prior to booking a table, please review the table booking guidelines below in full. All table bookings are expected to abide by the guidelines. Approvals for booking requests will take these guidelines into consideration. Failure to abide by the guidelines may result in tabling privileges being revoked.

Table booking guidelines
- A minimum of 72 hours’ notice is required for all table bookings (three business days).
- Booking are limited to one day per week, per group, per location due to high demand and limited available spaces.
- The table must not be left unattended during your booking time(s).
- No selling or distribution of products from external vendors (example: food, books, merchandise, credit cards/banking, etc.)
- Student clubs must be registered through TRUSU.
- No commercial vendors (unless under contract with TRU) or materials advertising commercial services or businesses are permitted without prior approval from the university. Requests by external vendors must be submitted by an academic unit, administrative unit or by TRUSU. However, such requests may not be approved depending on the nature of the request.
- Users are not permitted to receive any financial benefits from tabling activities (exceptions may include funds collected for TRU or TRUSU events where tickets are sold)
- Sales or distribution of food, including baked goods is not allowed unless it is prepackage foods such as candy, chocolate bars, chips or granola bars or must be provided by an authorized-on campus food provider and approved by the Food Service Operations Manager.
- No displays, materials, or activities can interfere with pedestrian passage or the normal activities of the university.
- Table booking activities can not be harmful to the enjoyment of the common area space by others (example: disorderly conduct).
- Music is allowed if it enhances the booking, it must be played at a respectable volume to not disrupt others use of the area. The type of music must align with . If music is to be played, you must provide the details in the booking form under purpose.
- Users must adhere to all existing TRU policies and cannot conflict with the goals and objectives of TRU and TRUSU.
- Signage, advertising, or promotional material at the table booking shall be in accordance with applicable TRU policies.
- No aggressive marketing is permitted, including inundating students and community members as they walk down the hallway.
- Users are responsible for removing all materials from their table at the conclusion of their booking and must ensure the table is clean once the booking time is completed.
- Users may not move tables from their designated areas of set up.
- If your permit has been approved for Student Street in Old Main, please note you are not permitted to move or use any of the existing furniture located in the central seating area located in front of Starbucks.
- Campus Security is authorized to remove any group not approved or in accordance with these guidelines.
- Please follow good hand hygiene, proper sneeze/cough etiquette, and if you are sick, cancel your booking.
Table booking permit
- On approval of your booking, you will be sent a table booking permit. Authorized bookings must be able to produce their approved permit by having a copy at their table or available for viewing on an electronic device. Permits are issued for the exclusive use of the permit holders and are not transferable.
Table booking cancellations
- Failure to utilize your booking penalizes other groups who could have used these limited spaces instead. If you need to cancel your booking, please email