Law Library

TRU Faculty of Law and TRU Library place a high value on the pursuit of excellence in legal academic research and scholarship. We are proud to be able to provide our students and faculty with a modern Law Library and access to key services and resources targeted to meet the information needs of Law students and faculty.

Contact Us

Law Library Service Desk
Hours: Please see the current hours here.
Phone: 778-471-8451

Michelle Terriss
Law Librarian

Office: Law Library OM 3665 Schedule an Appointment

Law Tutor Service

Need help? Make an appointment with a TRU Law Tutor!
TRU Law students can get assistance with:

  • Writing support, studying, exam preparation, etc.
  • Understanding and working through subject-specific content
  • Reviewing of assignment and essay drafts to provide feedback and ideas

Please Note:

  • Appointments are 30 minutes; maximum two tutoring sessions per week (60 minutes total)
  • Tutoring sessions are offered for individuals, pairs, or small groups
  • Tutors are available to assist Law students in any year of study
  • Tutors cannot edit assignments or papers, or assist with take-home exams
  • Best efforts are made to provide general advice and guidance, even for courses tutors have not taken