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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Protection of Personal Information

Thompson Rivers University and Protection of Personal Information

TRU complies with British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Personal information
In carrying out its operations, TRU regularly acquires personal information about individuals including students and employees. The information is collected, used, and disclosed for the purposes of enabling you to communicate with TRU, examine its website, register for and participate in courses, study, conduct research and analysis, attend social events at the campus, use TRU's facilities and computer systems and allow TRU to recruit, offer and present courses and related services to students, alumni and prospective students. Personal information is retained for the time period required by law and to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

Your Rights
Individuals have the right of access to and a right to request correction of their own personal information, and to complain that TRU has collected, used, or disclosed personal information in contravention of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please visit the Privacy Complaints page of the Privacy and Access page for more information.

Limiting Access to Information
Personal information about you is protected and will only be used or disclosed in accordance with applicable legislation and this privacy statement.

Restrictions on Disclosing Information to Other Parties
Except as described in this privacy statement, the University does not reveal personally identifiable data to parties outside TRU unless you request or authorize it, or the disclosure is otherwise permitted or required by law.

Links to Other Sites
TRU's website contains links to other websites. Please be aware that privacy policies vary from site to site. TRU is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites to which our sites may link.

Notification regarding TRU's web sites
TRU's Web servers automatically collect information that is essential to operating and maintaining the site's security. The information collected includes: Browser type, Internet service provider (ISP) name, IP address, time of access, and pages accessed. Some portions of the TRU Web site may distribute small pieces of information (called "cookies") to Web browsers to assist you when you return to specific areas on the site. If you have concerns about cookies, you can change your Web browser settings not to accept this information, or display warning messages.

When you send information by post or electronic means to TRU or complete an electronic or paper form that includes identifying information about you, a record of this information is kept so that TRU can respond to you. TRU may keep a copy of your letter and/or information which you have supplied and a copy of TRU's response as a record of the correspondence with you.

Changes to this Privacy Statement
TRU may revise this Privacy Statement from time to time without notice to reflect changes to law, institutional policy, or technology. As a result, you should visit this page periodically to review the contents.

Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Statement, or about any information collected by TRU, please contact us.

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